Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam


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Scheme Guidelines/Subsidy Details:

1. The Central Govt. has launched the PM Surya Ghar MuftBijliYojna wherein financial assistance for residential households is being provided for installation of Rooftop Solar plant. The details of financial assistance for residential consumers is as follows:

  • Rs. 30,000/- per kW on pro-rata basis up to 2 kW
  • Rs. 18,000/- per kW on pro-rata basis for additional capacity up to 3 kW

2. The State Government shall provide additional financial assistance to 1 lakh Antyodaya families of the state on first come first serve basis. The additional subsidy details shall be as follows:

  • Category I: The consumers with Annual Family income up to and including Rs 1.80 Lacs shall be eligible for State Financial Assistance up to Rs. 25,000/kW or 40% of the billed amount per kW on pro-rata basis up to 2 kW (whichever is lower).
  • Category II: The consumers with Annual Family income from Rs 1.80 Lacs up to and including Rs 3.00 Lacs shall be eligible for State Financial Assistance up to Rs. 10,000/kW or 20% of the billed amount per kW on pro-rata basis up to 2 kW (whichever is lower).

3. In case the actual project Cost/billed amount is lower than the combined eligible Central Financial Assistance and the State Financial Assistance, then the State Financial Assistance will be limited up to the difference of the actual Project Cost/billed Amount and the Central Financial Assistance.

4. For the purpose of the calculation of Financial Assistance (Central and State) the methodology as provided by MNRE in the guidelines amended from time to time shall be adopted.

Eligibility Criteria for State Financial Assistance:

The eligibility criterion for the consumers to avail the State Financial Assistance (SFA) in addition to the Center Financial Assistance (CFA) for installation of Rooftop Solar up to a load of 2kW shall be as follows:

  • The applicant should have a Domestic supply (D.S) connection with sanctioned load (S.L.) up to or equal to 2 kW.
  • The annual family income of the applicant should be up to and including Rs. 1.80 lacs for Category I consumer and from Rs. 1.80 lacs up to and including Rs. 3.00 Lacs for Category II consumer as per Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP).
  • The average consumption of the consumer shall be up to 200 units/month during the FY 2023-24 or up to 2400 units annually in the FY 2023-24.

The technical specifications of the Rooftop solar plant shall be same as that of PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana as amended from time to time. The same could be fetched from the official website.